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Latest News & Updates


DCBIPS are the warriors and the advocates for the Tribe of Medabankeajetc.


March 2021

Donations are appreciated.

Each donation is greatly appreciated. It displays your love, support, and high regard for our people. 

Your donation can be made through email transfers to Please type in the message “Lawyer Fees”.

If you prefer to mail in your donation in cheque form; please mail to 18 Hillside Drive, Cornwallis Park, NS B0S 1H0.

In the memo, please write “Lawyer Fees”.

Thank you from the Tribe of Medabankeajetc.


May 8, 2020


Delap's Cove Black Indian Pioneer Society is excited to announce we have launched our first official website with the membership application!


To obtain membership, the applications and documents must meet the criteria requirements outlined on the instruction page of the application.

NOTE*The application form must be downloaded on your computer. After it’s filled out, please upload it to our site with your documents for submission. *


 Our News page, will be your source for the latest news, information and other details as we move forward. Check here often for the latest news.


We will be making adjustments and improvements over time to ensure the best quality and security for our site members.


Special Recognition going to TAMMY STEVENSON for the outstanding work creating the website.  Tammy, has spent countless hours, on the computer and phone, to make this site possible. Formatting the site to our culture, the Black Mi'kmaq of Delap's Cove, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.

 “Wela'lin” Tammy Stevenson. “Wela'lin” from all of us!


June 16, 2020




DCBIPS is proud to announce a HISTORICAL EVENT today.


The Municipality of Annapolis is honoring our culture as The Black Mi'kmaq of Delap's Cove with a Proclamation stating that

 the 16th day of June will be known as:


in Municipality of Annapolis beginning on June 16, 2020.


DCBIPS would like to thank the Municipality of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia for this honor and recognition of the Black Mi’kmaq of Delap’s Cove, Annapolis County Nova Scotia.  


Please read the Proclamation, as this is a MAJOR step towards our future goals!

 The last time our people was given a Proclamation, was Lord Dunmore's and Phillipsburg Proclamation in the late 1700's.


October 2020

35th Anniversary of the  opening of The Delap’s Cove Wilderness Trail.

Annapolis County Recreation Services hosted a fall hike at The Delap’s Cove Wilderness Trail in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the opening of the coastal hiking trail.

As part of that celebration Duston Stevenson with the Delaps Cove Black Indian Pioneer Society along with members of the tribe of Medabankeajetc, Chief Demond Miller, Councilor Clifford Troy Smith attended and did a smudging at the trailhead in honor of the 35th anniversary.

In June 2020, Annapolis County Council passed a proclamation recognizing the Delaps Cove Black Indian Pioneer Society at Delaps Cove who represents the descendants of the Black Mi’kmaq of Delaps Cove of Medabankeajetc (Little Red Bank) in Annapolis County, NS.

Mi’kmaq descendants were integrated with black pioneers for several generations after the American Revolutionary War 1775-1783. They were also known as slave Indians.

The society identifies as the Black Mi’kmaq of Delaps Cove and they represent the voice of their ancestors and were part of the anniversary celebration recognizing the unique culture, history and community that once thrived in this region.

Delaps Cove Black Settlement had over 70 inhabitants and the integrated culture was unique to Delaps Cove.

There were three hikes planned that would allow us to respect COVID rules.

Nancy Chisholm along with flora and fauna expert Gini Proulx was on hand to do an interpretative walk at the trail at Bohaker. Gini estimates that she had led over 30 interpretative hikes at the trail over the years. Gini one of our long-standing volunteers who continues to wear her passion on her sleeve and her talks reflect her amazing knowledge of the flora and fauna of the region. She is an amazing resource and a amazing lady! (thank you, Darren, for assisting)

The second hike lead by Nadine Barteaux was a trek around Bohaker trail that is an approximate 2.4 km loop and features the 40-foot waterfall at Bohaker Cove.

What is unique about this trail is that you can now view the cove from both sides as 8 years ago the Meier Family donated ten acres on the west side of the cove to allow the county to protect the integrity of the cove for future generations!!

The story of how they bought this land on their honeymoon to Nova Scotia when they fell in love with our province and did not want to leave without finding a unique spot!

The family is forever linked to the region and have a special place in their heart for Delaps Cove and this part of NS!

Sigrid Meier and her son Dan (Jodi) and daughters Sue and Helene were on hand as the county unveiled Meier Point and the family dedicated a monument!

Meier Point donated by the children of Raymond and Sigrid Meier.

Quote: What would the world be once bereft. Of wet and wildness’.
Let them be left. O let them be left, wildness and wet: long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. Gerard Manley Hopkins

The third hike was along the old shore road west which was adorned in fall colors to Charlies Trails lead by Deb Ryan. (thank you, Terry, and Hansi for assisting) This is the longest hike at Delaps Cove (10 Km if you add in Bohaker at the end) but has a different feel and it will impress you in different ways. The trail meanders along the Bay of Fundy shore with numerous looks offs until you reach Charlies Cove and the rocky outcrops.

As you head south from the cove you will experience an ancient old road running north and south and at times it is lined with rock walls. We found the Apple trees and Lilac bushes and then the old foundation representative of the black settlement that once thrived here with over 70 inhabitants. The area also had a mill located in this area.

As we continue south, we enjoyed
the mini waterfall under the bridge at Charlies Brook, smaller foundations almost hidden in nature and more rock walls.

In September of this year Annapolis County council moved to protect the lands at Delaps Cove and Youngs Cove towards a process linked with the federal government called Pathway to Canada Target 1.

In total this includes all seven parcels at Delaps Cove that were purchased or received in donation over the years for the protection of the Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail System and wilderness protection in general.

So, when you go stop and reflect on how important it is to protect and celebrate these regions as you enjoy the forested hike and coastal experience.

Thank you to all that participated in the anniversary celebrations in Covid times!


January 2021


 Community Recognition
Our new road sign on our settlement, thank you Municipality of Annapolis for your Recognition!















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